Family Law Mediators
When it comes to family law, you are dealing with the most sensitive and essential areas that an attorney can cover. Family law often covers situations in which family structures are changing or when conflict or disagreement occurs within the home. Because this area is so important and delicate, it is important to hire an attorney who shares your values. You should aim to find a law firm that can be sensitive to your emotions while working hard in court to earn what is right for your family. If you are looking for a family law attorney in Wilmington, DE, call 302-428-0100 or contact us today.
Family Law Mediation
There are two options for most legal situations: mediation and litigation. Litigation is what most people have seen on television, where a case is brought to court and argued before a judge and sometimes a jury. However, in family law cases, this very serious method is not always necessary. Some families can come to an agreement in mediation. Mediation is a situation in which a third person, such as an attorney or other certified individual, hears both sides of an argument and helps the two parties come to an agreement. This option is available for most family law cases and can save you time, money, and arguments.
Divorce Mediation
Divorce mediation is one of the most common forms of mediation. Many couples do not wish to hurt each other during a divorce; most of the time, the two people simply do not want to be married any longer. For these cases, a mediation lawyer can help. He or she will be able to hear both sides of the story, and together the three of you can work on a settlement or agreement that works for everyone. A mediation lawyer can help you divide assets such as property, savings accounts, investments, and more. If you are in need of a mediation lawyer in Wilmington, DE, we can help. Call 302-428-0100 or use the online form.
Child Custody
One of the most difficult arguments during a divorce is how child custody will be handled. Though a couple may be going through a divorce, they still love their children deeply. Each parent often wants to continue to spend time with their kids, and it is easy for arguments to develop when discussing living situations and child custody. In most cases, it often makes sense to enlist the help of a child custody mediation lawyer. There are several types of custody agreements to consider. These include:
- Sole custody. This means that one parent, after discussion with the other parent, makes the final decision for a child on various topics.
- Joint custody. This means the parents must discuss and make decisions together for the child.
- Primary residence. In this situation, the child or children live with one parent, and the other parent generally is given visitation.
- Shared residential placement. Is where the children are with each parent approximately half of the time.
Even though child custody can be especially emotional, it is possible to finalize a child custody agreement through mediation. If you are in need of a child custody mediation lawyer in Wilmington, DE, we can help! Call 302-428-0100 or contact us today.
Child Support
In some cases, it is appropriate to create a child support agreement. Child support is based on several factors including the incomes of the parties, the residential placement of the children, if either parent has other children to support and the allowable deductions for items such as retirement contribution, health insurance, tuition, child care, etc.
The Court expects that both parents will financially support their minor children and the Melson Formula provides a uniform way to determine a child support obligation. It is important to seek legal assistance in negotiating child support agreements so that you are aware of the important rights you have whether paying or receiving child support.
Is Mediation Right For You?
Many people feel unsure about whether mediation is a good option for their family law case. This is truly on a case-by-case basis. Mediation is a great option for many people. It allows them to create legal and binding contracts without the high cost and long process of litigation. Usually, the process in mediation is faster and requires you to spend less money on lawyer fees. If everyone involved is cooperative and wants to find a peaceful outcome, mediation is often a good choice. However, if one party is being difficult, or if the parties cannot cooperate or compromise, mediation may not be effective. For relatively small or standard family law situations, however, mediation can often help.
Contact Us
If you are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable family law mediation lawyer in Wilmington DE, call 302-428-0100 or contact us today. With over 50 years of combined experience, the team at Poole, Mensinger, Cutrona & Ellsworth-Aults can help. We know how to make your family law mediation experience go smoothly and easily. We are dedicated to creating healthy, agreeable solutions for changing families. Because family law is so personal, we treat all of our clients with compassion, understanding, patience, and support.