Wilmington Delaware Legal Blog


How to use social media during your divorce

Since its debut, social media remains a normal part of everyday life for most people.  For some, the need to post every event in their lives can present an unnecessary problem. You may benefit from making conscious decisions about social media if are currently part of a divorce process. Do’s for social media use Start […]

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Demystifying bankruptcy

No one is immune from falling on hard times, even those who curtail spending and save diligently. The prospect of filing for bankruptcy is overwhelming, especially if you fall prey to myths surrounding personal bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a tool that can provide a fresh start for anyone suffering under the weight of debt. Can you […]

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What does your divorce mean for your upcoming tax return?

When you were making the decision to end your marriage, taxes were probably far from your mind. Whether you are in the process of getting divorced, just thinking about it, or are recently divorced you should consult with your tax professional to determine your rights and obligations. Here are some answers to basic questions you […]

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Should I file for bankruptcy before divorce?

Ending a marriage has a substantial impact on each spouse’s finances, and there are many times when bankruptcy becomes a necessary option. It is important to get the timing right when filing for both divorce and bankruptcy. What should you consider? Divorce is difficult emotionally and financially. For couples that are already struggling with debt, […]

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How may estate planning prevent elder abuse and exploitation?

An unexpected injury or medical condition could leave you unable to manage your affairs. Preparing for this possibility may help you avoid incompetent caregivers from attending to your needs, financial managers from taking advantage of your condition, or family conflict over making certain your wishes and best interests are being met. According to the AARP, […]

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When should I file for bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is a legal process that can lead to a fresh financial start. Individuals who face unmanageable debt may struggle with whether or not bankruptcy is the right option for their financial future, often because they feel a moral obligation to repay what they owe. But when debt relief is not an option, it may […]

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How are property and assets divided in a Delaware divorce?

After a couple has spent years building a life together, dividing the assets they have acquired can be a particularly stressful aspect of divorce. Many divorcing people wonder how property division will impact their finances as they enter the next chapter of their lives. Protecting their future financial health begins with understanding how Delaware courts […]

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3 reasons to file for an adult guardianship

When your elderly parents can no longer make decisions for themselves, what should you do? Depending on the circumstances, there are a couple different options. While many elder adults include a power of attorney in their estate planning, there can be some limits to this approach. As a result, sometimes an adult guardianship is necessary. […]

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Can you keep your home when you file for bankruptcy?

Many people who struggle with mounting debt do not consider filing for bankruptcy because they worry about losing their property. In fact, you can keep many assets when you file for Delaware bankruptcy, including equity in your home. Review the common bankruptcy exemptions in Delaware if you are seeking solutions for your debt. Home and […]

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